
Why You Should use an Answering Service For Your DUl Defense Law Firm

Running a DUI defense Law Firm involves handling numerous calls from different clients. Attending all those calls manually is a lot of work. Usually, these calls are handled by the various staff of...

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No Reasonable Suspicion That A Crime Was Committed

In order for a law enforcement officer to make a lawful and thus legal stop of a motorist, the officer must have witnessed that a crime (even just an infraction) was committed in the officer’s...

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Common Policing Errors for a Traffic Stop

A stop or detention by a police officer does not always lead to a citation. And a stop or detention by a police officer does not always lead to an arrest. Furthermore, and this is a very important...

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The True Cost of a DUI Conviction in Los Angeles

Several years ago, billboards were popular alongside highways throughout the State claiming that a first time DUI conviction will eventually cost the convicted over $15,000.00 in out of pocket...

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It’s Your Right, Exercise It. Advice On Criminal Defense in Los Angeles

It’s Your Right, Exercise it. Let’s get something straight right now. I do not ever advocate for anyone to drink alcohol and drive at any time. Some say that it’s okay to drink and then drive as...

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Life As A Criminal Defense Attorney

For years friends, fellow lawyers and family have urged me to write a Criminal Defense Lawyer's Blog. For years I have said that one day I will actually take the time out of my very busy court days...

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Aggravated dui Arresto por dui fuera del estado Asesinato por dui Audiencia de dmv Commercial license suspension Conducción imprudente con presencia de alcohol Conducción imprudente sin presencia de alcohol Conducir una bicicleta en estado de ebriedad Costo de un dui en california Cuarta ofensa de dui Delito por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol Dispositivo de bloqueo de encendido Dmv hearing Dmv license suspension first offense Dmv license suspension second offense Dmv license suspension third offense Driving offenses (dui) Driving under the influence of marijuana Drunk biking (bicycle) Dui Dui agravado Dui breath test and dui blood test Dui como felonía Dui con lesiones Dui con más de .15% - vc 23578 Dui con pasajeros menores de 14 años Dui con visa de no inmigrante Dui conducir bajo la influencia de drogas Dui dmv license suspension information Dui driving crime Dui en menores de edad Dui homicide: "watson murder" Dui marihuana Dui over .15% - vc23578 Dui with injury Dui with passenger under 14 Etapas de un dui Felony dui First dui Fourth dui Hit and run dui Hit and run dui Homicidio por dui: "asesinato de watson" How to defend against a dui Ignition interlock device Información sobre la suspensión de la licencia del dmv por dui Non-immigrant visa dui Out of state dui arrest Primer dui Prueba de aliento y prueba de sangre de dui Scram for dui Second dui Segunda ofensa de dui Seguro sr22 para dui Sr22 Stages of a dui in california Suspensión de la licencia comercial Suspensión de la licencia del dmv por primera vez Suspensión de la licencia del dmv por segunda vez Suspensión de la licencia del dmv por tercera vez Tercera ofensa de dui The cost of a california dui The watson murder rule & implied malice theory Third dui Third dui Top 10 dui defenses Underage dui Vehicular manslaughter dui Wet reckless as a plea bargain

Client Reviews

Case Review With Our Attention to Detail and Dedicated Defense Attorneys

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you should contact an attorney right away. Getting solid legal assistance is crucial because the penalties for DUIs with aggravating elements are so harsh. A knowledgeable attorney can explain how the law applies to your case and advise you on the best action. An attorney will examine the facts of the case, identify any aggravating elements, and try to develop a good defense plan. They will also look into alternatives to typical sentencing, like rehabilitation programs or diversionary possibilities, to help mitigate the impact of a DUI conviction. For reliable legal representation, contact the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer. Call us at 310-848-1376 to speak to one of our attorneys.


Contact us for a free consultation at the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 310-848-1376. We represent clients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County and throughout the Southern California area.

Our offices are located in the historic Courtyard Building, conveniently located on Canon Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills. Complimentary two-hour parking is available next door.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.